Save the date: IJAM 7, Friday night, 24th November 2023

Thank you for taking a moment to provide us feedback on our efforts to date and let us know how you would like to get involved in IJAM 7 for 2023.

Your feedback is valued and helps us improve the future events of IJAM and the I’m Just a Man Foundation.  You can also provide a Google Review, Facebook Review, feedback (below) or donate to the IJAM foundation to be in the draw.

Please leave your feedback or get involved!

Make Your Pledge

How else would you like to get involved?

What is S.I.D.E?

Society/ Social Impact / Suicide Stats/ SIDE BY S.I.D.E Vision(Movember)

75% of suicides are males, 40+ countries

Identify Questions To Check In – (RUOK) 

ASK, LISTEN, DESIRE Action, Present (Check in)

Depression/Anxiety Community Awareness – (Beyond Blue)

Better Understand the signs and symptoms of Depression & Anxiety. S.I.D.E

Expressions. Tshirt. Facepaint. Dress Up. Music – (IM Just a Man)

Permission to speak up, and express, through music, dress up, celebrate vulnerability, making it ok


If you have further questions please reach out…

Key Contacts

Dr. Jim Skivalidas – Founder of IM Just A Man + 61 406 730 911

Anna Petrarca – Co-Founder, Overviews & Runs IM Just A Man + 61 414 316 472

Chris Dobbin – Marketing Partnership + 61 408 038 397

Dave DIckson – Sponsorship’s & Partnership’s + 61 418 404 827

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