Save the date: IJAM 7, Friday night, 24th November 2023
Thank you for taking a moment to provide us feedback on our efforts to date and let us know how you would like to get involved in IJAM 7 for 2023.
Your feedback is valued and helps us improve the future events of IJAM and the I’m Just a Man Foundation. You can also provide a Google Review, Facebook Review, feedback (below) or donate to the IJAM foundation to be in the draw.
Please leave your feedback or get involved!
What is S.I.D.E?
Society/ Social Impact / Suicide Stats/ SIDE BY S.I.D.E Vision – (Movember)
75% of suicides are males, 40+ countries
Identify Questions To Check In – (RUOK)
ASK, LISTEN, DESIRE Action, Present (Check in)
Depression/Anxiety Community Awareness – (Beyond Blue)
Better Understand the signs and symptoms of Depression & Anxiety. S.I.D.E
Expressions. Tshirt. Facepaint. Dress Up. Music – (IM Just a Man)
Permission to speak up, and express, through music, dress up, celebrate vulnerability, making it ok
If you have further questions please reach out…
Key Contacts
Dr. Jim Skivalidas – Founder of IM Just A Man + 61 406 730 911
Anna Petrarca – Co-Founder, Overviews & Runs IM Just A Man + 61 414 316 472
Chris Dobbin – Marketing Partnership + 61 408 038 397
Dave DIckson – Sponsorship’s & Partnership’s + 61 418 404 827