My name is Dr. Jim from I’m Just a Man (
Today is Suicide Prevention Australia – World Suicide Prevention Day.
6 Males suicide every 24 hours in Australia and since having our inaugural Save This Date – I’m Just A Man #2 on 22/11/17, 1500 Males have suicided, a number greater than the road toll.
The number reason we started this gala is to raise the awareness of #MensMentalHealth and the #MaleSuicide Epidemic. Another friend of mine and two of my wives colleagues in the airlines industry took their lives.
Unfortunately, we all know someone, a brother, father, uncle, son, mate who have or may have directly affected from suicide.
Last year we had 150 people in attendance, with men and women side by side, and speakers from beyondblue and Movember Foundation Australia, Farming Industry, AFL Footballer, and music to honour the thousands of males who have passed away in the last decade.
This year we hope to double the number of people in attendance, continue the open conversation and raise a greater profile for mens mental health and the male suicide epidemic.
My name is Dr. Jim and I’m Just A Man.
If anyone requires immediate support please call Lifeline 13 11 14 and please support us by visiting
Suicide can be Prevented, find out how you can increase your awareness, get involved and reduce alarming suicide rates affecting all Australians TODAY!
The objective to inspire others to join in a glittering night of recognition when we can raise our glasses and lift our minds to pay respect to all the men who have killed themselves or tried.
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